Maria Kageaki

For many years Maria Kageaki has the vision to help create a leap in our consciousness regarding dental health. I read a lot of literature, talked to many interesting people – a highlight was definitely my visit with Williard Fuller in Florida – I attended Matrix seminars with Richard Bartlett, of course also the Russian seminars based on Grabovoij, I talked to spiritual healers and alternative dentists and over time I collected many puzzle pieces.
In conventional medicine a leap in consciousness happened about 20 or 30 years ago. Where there used to be only “gods in white”, we now have an abundance of alternative therapists from naturopaths to spiritual healers. The time has come to feed the morphogenetic field with a new vision of dental health in which our teeth can be kept radiantly healthy and dental arches take on a beautiful shape again – naturally and self-sufficiently
MARIA KAGEAKI is a longtime health coach and runs a practice for health and youthfulness in Waging, southeast Bavaria. The mother of 5 children is a true power woman who is very concerned that people take their health back into their own hands. She gives lectures internationally and also passes on her knowledge in the form of seminars, articles and books.
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