The First Holistic
Dental Health Summit

Healthy Teeth for Life
The First Online Holistic Dental Health Summit from 2020 is already closed. When you signup you get access to all the Interview trailers and can purchase the Online Congress Package with all interviews.
After holding five very successful Dental Health Summits in Germany, we know that there is a tremendous demand for holistic and alternative information on dental health. People are ready to get to the root of their dental problems and find out what they can do themselves to improve and resolve them.
We are so excited to present the very first International Online Dental Health Summit! Get ready for a wide range of amazing speakers and an abundance of useful and exciting new information on dental health!
Does this sound like you?
- You want strong, vital and healthy teeth?
- You suspect there are more options or solutions than your dentist is offering?
- You are tired of experiencing one dental problem after the other?
- You are looking for alternative, holistic approaches to dental health?
- You finally want to get to the bottom of things and find out what YOU can do to make your teeth feel better?
- You are ready to regain the power of your teeth?
For everyone ready to take dental health into their own hands and maintain it permanently.
The International Dental Health Summit is right for you if:
- You want a better understanding of your teeth and jaw and everything that is connected.
- You want to find out more about teeth, gain new and interesting knowledge from experts and hear about incredible dental successes.
- You have tried many approaches, but still haven’t found an ideal solution for your dental problems.
- You want to know how you can take care of your dental health and tremendously improve it YOURSELF.
- You are interested in which dental restorative materials are best and how to protect yourself from toxic substances at the dentist.
- You are ready to take dental health in your own hands.
- You want to effectively improve and permanently maintain your dental health.
- You want to regain the strength of your teeth and your BITE in life.
The International Dental Health Summit is for everyone who cares about their dental health, with an abundance of new information and practical tips.
What the International Dental Health Summit has in store for you
Inspirational reports of effective dental corrections without braces

The connection between your back and your teeth
Exciting new ideas and inspiration for your dental health

Interesting connections and background information
Practical knowledge for repairing your teeth

Insider tips for long-lasting dental health
Specific tips, methods and recommendations from the speakers

Now is the time to fulfill your dream of shiny, healthy teeth!
… and much more!
Holistic dental health made easy

Dr. Michael Montaud
Dr. Michel Montaud, Dentist, Dentosophie, France
many years ago I felt really amazed looking at before and after photographs of his adult clients, where sensational results in aligning teeth were achieved without the use of braces.
In the interview with Alixe Soulier you will get one of the many amazing results - a field of undreamed-of possibilities. Michel Montaud speaks about his way from being a "classic" dentist to a completely new way of "treating" and he gives you a very good insight in the fascinating field of Dentosophie. His book is also available in English.

Andreas Goldemann
Andreas Goldemann, Sound Healer, Germany. An Intuitive. Andreas Goldemann perceives disharmonies or imbalances on a physical as well as emotional level in individuals or groups and then gives appropriate impulses to initiate a positive change. The uniqueness of his work lies in intuitively initiating deep changes through voice/singing (ancient celtic, druidic soul language), movement and reflection.

Dr. Karin Bender Gonser
Dr. Karin Bender-Gonser, Dentist, Germany speaks about the Body-Mind-Medicine and her Tooth-Mind-Soul-Concept. It is not an evidence based concept but connects the “dots” of quantum physics, modern dentistry, neuroscience and spirituality. Her vision is to inspire people to live a conscious life in alignment to nature and natural systems which we all are a part of.

Dr. Dirk Schreckenbach
Dr. Dirk Schreckenbach, Dentist, Germany
"There is a whole person attached to every tooth" - this sentence is the essence of how Dr. Schreckenbach is practicing for more than 37 years. He authored books about his work, filled with example of his clients and shares with you today how he discovered early with the experience of his clients how different areas of body are connected with teeth.

Kristine Alex
Kristine Alex, Author, Family Constellation, Germany, is also doing constellations of body symptoms and shares with you her insights of many years. In the interview Kristine Ales talks about her long experienxe with dental constellations and their spectrum of effects: What can I expect from a dental constellation? How do they work? Which questions are suitable? What can I do myself?

Gregori Treu
Gregori Treu, Osteopath, Academic teacher. From birth to happy smiles. In this interview Gregori Treu talks about how dental health and perfectly aligned teeth are influenced by pregnancy, birth. He emphasises the importance of a natüral life, sunlight, the circadian rhythm. An interview full of insights and surprises.

Dr. Francesco Santi
Dr. Francesco Santi, Dentist, Italy, shares in a presentation his work as in Clinical Posturology and Dentosophy. He talks about the importance of the oral microbiom, meridians and the function of the mouth. An abundance of information about general holistic dental health and the positon of the teeth, showing before and after picture of his treatment..

Dr. Dora Stebih
Dr. Dora Stebih, Dentist, Italy, speaks about her search for a holistic approach to dental health which has led her to discover equilibriodontics and dentosophy that she has been applying since 2017.
Despite the short period of time, the results and satisfaction of the patients are evident.
Her mission is to help people become aware of the power and unlimited potentials that we have as human beings and that self-healing is the only true healing.

Andrea Crivellaro
Andrea Crivellaro, Osteopath, Italy, talks about the importance of keeping an eye already on small children when it comes to a beautiful aligned set of teeth. He shares insights in his beautiful work with very small children, and shows how pregnancy and birth can play a role later on for dental health. Plus how his work to help when it comes to bringing teeth in a harmonious order.

Dr. Leu
Dr. Susanna Leu, Dentist & Dr. Nikolaus Leuenberger, MD, Switzerland
speak both about the wonderful work of Dentosophie, how it changed their approach. It is an amazing way to guide people into self-healing. The focus of the work is on methods that can bring body, soul and spirit into balance with simple methods, so that a deep self-healing can take place. They combine various methods, and describe the journey of clients who are on their way to align the teeth and at the same time harmonize the soul.
With before and after photographs.

Matthias Cebula
Matthias Cebula, Naturopath, Germany
speaks about substances you really would not want in toothpastes, Glyphosat which is believed to play also a role in the Molar incisor hypomineralisation, where to find it. A very big factor for good dental health is Magnesium. He answers these questions: Why is it important? Where do you get it from? Whats does Magnesium in the body?

Frank Jester
Frank Jester, Dentist, Author from Germany. A medical doctor, dentist and naturopath Frank Jester talks about of nutrition and dental health. In this interview he shares an abundance of valuable Information and insights.

Fabrizio Sintucci
Fabrizio Sintucci, Eptamed, Italy
speaks about the own experiences of immense pain in the jaw, for which doctors did not have an answer to discovering a solution for him, opening a company which offers solutions for many. He produces multifunctional activators, ia valuable device for odontologists in repositioning teeth and guiding dental arches into a harmonious state, with not only aesthetic benefits but also functional advantages for the body as a whole.

Dorte Bredgaard
Dorte Bredgaard used to be a dentist, but she wanted to do more than just treat symptoms. She discovered that teeth have a secret language and today she ‘translates’ their messages. When you listen to their wisdom and follow the advice, your teeth will heal as a byproduct.

Nadine Artemis
Nadine Artemis is an innovative aromacologist and health, dental and beauty expert. She is author the books Holistic Dental Care:The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums and speaks in the interview about the dentinal flow of lymphatic fluid and shares an abundance of information to keep your teeth happy and alive

Leslie van Oostenbrugge
Leslie van Oostenbrugge combines holistic dental health with the law of attraction. She is known as “the awakening dentist” and her lectures have changed many people’s lives—physically, spiritually. A very unique and refreshing interview.

Jaw Yoga
Julia and Reinhard Burits, Jaw Yoga, Austria
speak about their holistic approach, based on the internationally-recognised Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, which has been developed and tested through close collaboration with dentists and medical professionals over a period of several years. A very interesting way to achieve fast, effective and sustainable results with scientifically proven methods and principles from speech therapy, orthodontics and mind training. Full of aha moments 🙂

Saskia Wolf
Saskia Wolf, Multifunctional Dentist, Austria, is speaking about how she supports her patients - large and small - during their orthodontic treatment in their spiritual and mental development and to promote them in a targeted manner. It is important to her to look at the whole person, with all aspects of his personality, because the position of the teeth is also a mirror of our innermost being.
Plus a real treat ... in the interview with show a tooth constellation .. her speciality.

Alixe Soulier
Alixe Soulier, Dentosophie, France speaks in the interview about her own dental story, where dentists told her the solution would be breaking the jawbone, extracting teeth and having braces. Searching for an alternative she found Michel Montaud, read his book, visited him for a conversation and achieved amazing results within 3 weeks without ever having a treatment at all.

Dr. Lysa Farmer
Dr. phil. Lysa Farmer, Founder of AuraSound Vibrational Medicine
speaks about her experiences and information she shares in her Teeth & Spirit Seminars and the energetic connection of teeth in regard to ones life and the body. She gives a lot of insights to nearly every tooth, has wonderful Affirmation for the teeth AND your are in for a real treat: Lysa Farmer shares a Crystal Sound Balancing Concert with you. Enjoy and feel how your teeth feel during the concert. Amazing!

Dr. Tatiana Klauser
Dr. Tatiana Klauser, Dentist, Germany
shares her insight in metals detoxification, how she rid herself from toxins she was exposed to as a dentist and how she helps her clients recover from a metal overload. She looks at the human body is a complex organism, and gives an importance to look beyond the horizon in her dental work and to always consides the whole person. She does not treat teeth, she treats people

Carola Sarrasin
Carola Sarrasin, Thailand
speaks about her journey which led her from a successful carreer as a tv director to producing alterntive news programs and roundtable discussions with many interesting guests, including one guest with a complete organ regeneration. Looking further into this subject, she discovered the teachings of Dr. Grigori Grabovoi, which she has been studying continuously since then and still teaches today. This knowledge allows very fast results and is directed towards the effective interaction of all structures of the human personality.

Dr. Samuele Cova
Dr. Samuele Cova has been working with equilibriodontics for 10 years, using minimally invasive soft mobile devices, called balancers. His goal is to restore balance and harmony to the mouth of children and adults, starting from the correction of breathing and swallowing. His passion is understanding the origin of disharmonies and gradually seeking to resolve them.

Tamara Chubarovsky
Tamara Chubarovsky, Anthroposophic Speech Therapist, Spain
is working mainly with children up to 7 years with the playful integration of nursery rhymes which have an amazing effect on dental health and especially on the alignment of teeth. Internationally dentists and speech therapist work with her method and children can achieve sensational results already within 30 days.

Dr. Marco Bertoletti
Dr Marco Bertoletti, Dentist and Dentosoph from Italy, A dentist with an extraordinary viewpoint, who one day realized that the teeth are connected to the human being and the human being is part of the universe.

Dr. Ana Vilas Boas Sousa Surwald
Ana Vilas Boas Sousa Surwald, Dentist, England, shares her insights in the biological dentistry field, bringing safe, biocompatible, holistic, ethical healthcare to people in combination with nutrition. With much emphasis on what food her clients eat on a daily basis, she talks about how nutrition is a game-changer also in dental health.

Benita Cantieni
Benita Cantieni, CANTIENICA, Switzerland
speaks about her amazing story, from a chief editor from the fashion magzine Vogue to ^becoming a cody researcher, curing herself from severe scoliosis, jaw arthrosis and creating a completely new method, from which thousands have immensly profited. Be amazed what the body can accomplish.

Maria Kageaki
Maria Kageaki, Nutritionist, Germany
talks about her insights of working as a nutritionist, specialising in activating the self healing system. It is amazing to see how the dental health is changing with self love, self care and the ideal nutrition.

Dr. Leu
Dr. Susanna Leu, Dentist & Dr. Nikolaus Leuenberger, MD, Switzerland
speak both about the wonderful work of Dentosophie, how it changed their approach. It is an amazing way to guide people into self-healing. The focus of the work is on methods that can bring body, soul and spirit into balance with simple methods, so that a deep self-healing can take place. They combine various methods, and describe the journey of clients who are on their way to align the teeth and at the same time harmonize the soul.
With before and after photographs.
Day 1 - 1.12.20
- Leslie van Oostenbrugge
- Dorte Bredgaard Part One
- Dr. Samuele Cova
Day 2 - 2.12.20
- Gregori Treu,
- Dr. Marco Bertoletti
- Frank Jester
Day 3 - 3.12.20
- Dr Karin Bender-Gonser,
- Nadine Artemis
- Andreas Goldemann
Day 4 - 4.12.20
- Andrea Crivellaro
- Dr. Ana Vilas Boas Sousa Surwald
- Dr. Franceso Santi
Day 5 - 5.12.20
- Dr. Michel Montaud
- Alixe Soulier
- Tamara Chubarovsky
Day 6 - 6.12.20
- Kristine Alex
- Dr. Dirk Schreckenbach
- Saskia Wolf
- Dr. Dora Stebih
Day 7 - 7.12.20
- Dr. Lysa Farmer,
- Dorte Bredgaard Part two
- Andrea Crivellaro (LIVE)
Day 8 - 8.12.20
- Jaw Yoga
- Carola Sarrasin
- Dr. Michele Caffin
Day 9 - 9.12.20
- Dr. Leu & Dr. Leuenberger
- Matthias Cebula
- Fabrizio Sintucci
Day 10 - 10.12.20
- Dr. Tatiana Klauser
- Maria Kageaki
- Benita Cantieni
- Secure your free attendance at the very first International Dental Health Summit
- Secure your free attendance at the very first International Dental Health Summit
- Regain the power of your teeth!
What our happy attendees are saying
The summit is sensational! I keep on forwarding it to people and ask them to listen to the talks.
I tuned into Linda Vielau's energy field and something amazing happened - a powerful information package.
The Dental Health Summit is wonderful, with so many amazing talks and valuable thoughts and ideas.

I have been a holistic alternative practitioner for almost 20 years myself and have a lot of contact with dentists and the dental health of patients. I am so happy that this summit strengthened not only my actions, but also my practicing and thinking.
Many thanks for such a wide range of topics, I gained so much knowledge. I am so happy about all the insights that I can now use in my own implementation, as this knowledge is so vitally important to understand how everything is connected.
Thank you so much for this wonderful dental summit! For many years I have been looking for dentists who work holistically and for ways to keep my teeth healthy, and have finally found some great possible solutions in this event!

I would like to thank you very much for the opportunity to attend such an important and interesting summit! I really enjoyed your open, honest and natural way in the interviews.
What a revelation! If you never really deal with it and believe that the dentist is always right… you will never know that you can in fact fix your teeth through spiritual healing - so great. I learned a lot. Your advice on cleaning, care, etc. was super helpful as well. The (video) healing really did something! A very extensive, informative summit that thoroughly explored all sides - conventional medicine and spirituality - and it really enlightened me!
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this Dental Health Summit with so much useful information – it was just fantastic. There were really quite a few 'AHA' moments which gave me valuable new insights.

Hosted by Maria Kageaki
My Heart Misson
For many years I’ve had the vision to help create a leap in our consciousness regarding dental health. I read a lot of literature, talked to many interesting people – a highlight was definitely my visit with Williard Fuller in Florida – I attended Matrix seminars with Richard Bartlett, of course also the Russian seminars based on Grabovoij, I talked to spiritual healers and alternative dentists and over time I collected many puzzle pieces.
In conventional medicine a leap in consciousness happened about 20 or 30 years ago. Where there used to be only “gods in white”, we now have an abundance of alternative therapists from naturopaths to spiritual healers. The time has come to feed the morphogenetic field with a new vision of dental health in which our teeth can be kept radiantly healthy and dental arches take on a beautiful shape again – naturally and self-sufficiently
- Secure your free attendance at the very first International Dental Health Summit
- Commit to your dental health NOW!
- Regain the power of your teeth!
Disclaimer: The Dental Health Summit is for information and opinion-forming purposes. The respective speakers are responsible for the content of the interviews which represent their personal opinion. The presented experience reports and healing methods may not correspond to official medical opinions.The expert’s video content, health tips and product recommendations do not necessarily reflect the organizer’s opinion. Implementing health tips recommended by the speakers is 100% at your own risk. The organizer is free from any liability and does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of the information provided by the experts, nor their scientific verifiability and claimed health benefits.